Well, it's time for an update! Charter SLO just blocked the Kings Championship Parade on Channel 9 from L.A. because KCOY is showing it locally -- only KCOY is NOT showing it locally. KCOY has the license for the show KCAL *would* have been showing, but nobody at Charter watches TV so they had no way to know. So I called the Charter 800 number, as the number listed here doesn't answer, and they assured me it's KCOY's fault. It is always someone else's fault. And if you decide to do business with Charter SLO it will be your fault, too.
May 2012
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate San Luis Obispo Charter Cable for finding out channels 21 through 26 were off the air for three weeks or more and putting them back on -- after all, I had only called to tell them about it three times.
Now if they could just figure out why their DVR system refuses to tape repeats. Even if you try to schedule them SEPERATELY without the ""first run and repeat"" option. KQED shows an episode of Imagemakers at 7 pm and then 1 am later that night, and the Charter DVR system is set up to REFUSE TO TAPE BOTH. I set them up to tape seperately, not using the First Run Or Repeat function, and the machine ACTUALLY DECIDES FOR ITSELF WHICH ONE IT WILL TAPE, SOMETIMES TAPING THE 7 PM, SOMETIMES THE 1 AM, WITH NO PROMPTING FROM ME. I've been taping TV since the early 80s and when I call to tell them about this, nobody I can reach at Charter is trained to handle this, they are only trained to assure me it's my fault and then listen until I hang up.
August 2011 -- I relocate often amd I can tell you Charter San Luis Obispo is a joke -- only there's no laughter. I'm not too worried that you WILL get involved with them, as they do not answer the phone number above.
First reason not to get involved with them: they don't answer their phones.
Second reason: how can you do business with someone if they don't answer their phone?
If you do get involved with them, you can look forward to being given prices over the phone or internet that will in no way correspond with your first bill -- on the phone, they quoted a box as 20 dollars a month, and the bill says 5 dollars a month. The 20 dollar installation fee for that box was quoted as 20 dollars and billed as 60.
You can also look forward to crashing internet at least weekly, frozen pictures on your TV Screen and a remote that can do nothing about it, and an ISP that doesn't answer their phone.
Imagine the joy of sitting down to a DVRed movie you've been looking forward to for weeks and having it freeze and give up with 15 minutes left.
Just picture your happiness when you set your DVR to ""Record This Series"" and pick the ""First run & Repeats"" option and then havnig the DVR refuse to tape the repeats, which you only discover after the first run freezes with 10 minutes left, and you joyously remember the same episode was being repeated later that night but was not recorded.
Imagine the extremely polite tech support guy from Canada you will talk to when you dial the 888 number, only to find you cannot confirm with the local office that you are coming down because they don't answer their phones.
So to solve this problem, I went down to the office yesterday and arranged for a technician to come by at 10 am today and was promised a phone call about 30 minutes before the technician would arrive. The recording called last night and confirmed the appointment for 10 am. So here we are at 11:20 am the next day -- no phone call, no technician, and the phone number (""oh, that's the old number"") remains the same.
Do whatever it takes to not get involved with Charter Communications in San Luis Obispo. If you have read this far, I'm quitting with a quite a list of problems I have not written about yet. If you read this far, you honestly want a review of this business.
My review is do whatever it takes to not get invovled with Charter Communications of San Luis Obispo.