I would have written a good review 60 days ago, but things have changed and you may want to understand that what happened to me, could happen to you as well.
I was a patient of CBI for 13 years, it took years for them to convince me that pain meds were the only way to maintain any quality of life. Only 60 days ago, when I called in for my meds refill, I was informed that I was no longer a patient at CBI. I understand that they were frustrated with my insurance co, but to drop a patient with 2 days of pain meds with no way to get a refill is unacceptable. I was not dropped due to anything I did, it was strictly due to lack of income for CBI.
When I sat across from Dr Duncan at my last appointment, she never indicated that there was an issue. No notice, no recourse, just a kiss off.
I went through withdraw alone without any medical assistance. I will never take pain medications again, nor will I ever rely on a doctor again as I did Dr Duncan. If any of you are relying on medications through CBI.... just know that this could happen to you.
NO, I never abused my meds. I only missed 1 appointment, cancel but rescheduled a few appointments, did whatever I was instructed by Dr Duncan. Freely took drug screening every time requested. So if that is what you are thinking you are dead wrong.....
Thank God, I now have a wonderful caring physician that is willing to do whatever it takes to help me without pain medications. If any of you need a wonderful caring physician, email me at ncminpinrescue at yahoo dot com.
It is actions such as those by Dr Duncan that can make a responsible person turn to illegal drugs. I was lucky to have family support through this most horrible period in my life.... not everyone is that lucky.
BTW... those of you on pain medications with CBI... IF this happens to you, please file a complaint at NC medical board. And understand that there are not many physicians out there that are going to pick up where CBI left off and write you a prescription. You will have to start over and probably go through withdraw as I did, so be prepared.... you have been warned. You don't have to do anything wrong, you just have to be a victim between your insurance and your doctor.
As a side note...... I would like to thank Kathy Odem and JoAnn for all the kindness they had shown me in all the years there.