I happened upon these reviews while just looking at all the info about the service and was pretty shocked at the negative reviews. First, anyone with any sense knows you don't name names in this type of thing, it points to an angry immaturity. It is, to put it mildly, totally un-professional, not to mention one may have to actually defend their comments. I found it interesting these folks didn't advertise their own names. At any rate, Kay McDonald is a warm and caring professional well liked and respected among her peers and associates. Some might say she really is a sweetheart.\r
The individual who found it ""troubling"" that he was asked to pay up front is laughable. Obviously he hasn't done a lot of business. Service businesses often require this if you're not an established business with a line of credit. Those who don't get stiffed often. There's nothing out of line with a request like that. Any chance he's a slow payer or a no pay? And if a refund was due you can bet he got it. As for the person who characterized Kay's only response to the towel wearer problem as ""sorry you feel so uncomfortable about the situation"" no doubt conveniently leaves out any sincere and professional efforts to address things - notice the big information gap - and then goes on to misrepresent what surely sounds like the tail end of an apology by using it against Kay as though it were the only thing she said. \r
Personally, I've never had a problem. All service businesses, no matter how hard they try - and CCS has rigorous employee standards, will suffer that unwanted moment. At any rate, there are a lot of other sources to recommend Cambridge Critter Sitters and Kay. Kay is a well known and established professional active in the pet community.\r
Robert Norwood\r
Pros: Run by an engaged and compassionate individual with a genuine concern for animal welfare.
Cons: I didn't get served a cappucinno