The party line is what you’re told when you take a tour of a facility. It’s also reinforced over the phone when you call in. With the advent of blogs and social media, it’s easier than ever for all of us to band together and share more of these realities so others can make better decisions. In the end, there are just some facilities that should be avoided.\r
Take the Brian Center in Mooresville for example. Their party line is so far from reality its horrifyingly shocking. \r
If it’s one thing to take away from this experience it is to become resolved that you cannot manage your loved one’s healthcare from a recliner or phone. If you do, you’ll forever be hearing what you want to hear while someone you love is suffering immeasurably. The recliner will hide the reality from you until it is too late.\r
We were able to get our loved one moved to a different facility, but we still had to deal with pneumonia, tissue breakdown, dangerously low sodium and potassium levels and enough stress to almost kill our loved one. It took a few ER visits to get things corrected and stabilized and eventually our loved one recovered. \r
I am confident that had we not interceded when we did, this would be memorial article and not a warning one. The Brian Center in Mooresville is an archaic fossil left over from a time where neglect and hideously poor management decision-making could fly under the radar. Where the old are converted into money as gun slinging “care givers” are free to keep patients from complaining by grossly overmedicating them.\r
Patients are ruthlessly neglected until the physical and emotional battle is lost. As these poor souls rest catatonically for hours to stew in their own foul and stench, the Brian Center simply piles meds on top of meds to treat not root problems, but rather symptoms on top of symptoms they themselves created. In the end, your loved one will end up worse off, and on more medications than you ever dreamed possible.\r
Of course there are a few gems in the form of caregivers on the staff, but a handful of bright lights gets lost under the incompetent management and total lack of leadership. This horrid excuse for a “care facility” is more like a bunch of minimum wage employees getting paid peanuts and being asked to handle insurmountable numbers of patients they can’t possibly attend to.\r
Our loved one said it best as she described how she felt completely unsafe: “You just can’t recover at a facility like that”.\r
You should do your own research before even considering this facility. We recommend talking with other caregivers in the area – including the hospitals. You’ll learn quickly that not only are there other horror stories of deaths and poor treatment at this facility, but the incredibly poor reputation of the Brian Center of Moorseville is actually very well known amongst actual licensed caregivers. \r
How the facility has lasted this long is beyond us. But thing is for sure – it needs to be shut down, like five years ago.