I wish there was an option for zero stars. They deserve it.
We were putting our house on the market and wanted to freshen up the downstairs vinyl and carpet. They were helpful enough in store and on the phone when we made the appointment, and their prices were good, but it all went downhill from there ...fast.
Let's start with the vinyl. The FIRST attempt at installing it went horribly wrong. There were waves and bubbles all over the place. My husband was home and saw them install it, but they told us these bubbles and waves were normal and would go away. Well they didn't go away. Someone came back out and trimmed some areas to help it flatten, but it still didn't help.
After expressing our concern, the owner told us this was normal and to ask any other vinyl installer out there. So? We called the manufacturer of the vinyl Bradley's used and got the install instructions and talked with someone from the vinyl manufacturer's corporate headquarters. We found out they did not follow install instructions AT ALL, as a matter of fact, their incorrect installation caused the bubbling and waving of our vinyl! Also, this voided our warranty with the manufacturer, since they were now aware of the incorrect install.
We called Bradley's back out and asked them to glue down the vinyl and give us an extended warranty from them directly since they voided our other one and since we'd lost confidence in their ability to do a good job. So they came back out and glued it down and it looked a lot better, except for the track marks they left from rolling our fridge back into place before the glue had time to set/dry. They said this would disappear in a month or so. Well it has been several months and it has not disappeared yet.
The owner fought us the entire time on coming back out and fixing their work. He was so defensive, making excuse after excuse, at one point he even told us gluing it down would look terrible because of trash underneath the vinyl (hello, use a broom before you lay it!) then when worse came to worse and he had no other choice but to glue it, he was singing the joys of gluing it down. It was a nightmare. And it's still not over.
Now for the carpet. The carpet seemed to be great. However, over the past 3 months we've come across things that make us very unhappy. First, on each of our stairs there are nails sticking out at the crease of each stair. It was not like this with our first carpet. Our 5yo son actually sliced his toe on one of these nails and started bleeding.
There also seems to be trash or perhaps gaps/tears in the foam under the carpet, because there are actually dips you can feel as you walk in certain areas where something is wrong underneath the carpet.
The carpet is the last straw, so now here I am writing this review. I have called them to come back out, who knows what will happen. I shouldn't have to deal with this. For people who do this every day, they should know better on some of this stuff.