Hmmmm... what's all this I hear about FAKE reviews on Citysearch to improve the LOOK of this company's client satisfaction rate? I have read the on-line rumbings about all the FAKE posts that this company has done in the past to improve its overall ratings, and being an ex tenant, I was curious to read some of the review on posted on Citysearch. However, before I even READ any reviews, the sheer NUMBER of reviews psoted on this site for Blue Sage Reality sreams FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!
As of today (6/22/12) Blue Sage Reality has an outstanding 91 reviews.
Comparing that to some other both similar and non-similar business, I found the followering:
The Macarroni Grill on 92 in Westminsther has 2 reviews.
The Westin Hotel in Westminster has 4 reviews.
Metro Brokers Northwest has 0 reviews.
Co Reality and Property Management in Broomfield has 0 reviews.
Elitch Gardens in Denver has 12 reviews.
REI Flagship in Denver has 5 reviews.
BluesSage Reality in Westiminser has 91 reviews.
WOW! What do ya'all got in that water cooler, Blue Sage??? GrEAt job!