OK! Clearly there is a problem!!! A major one! On 4/11/2011 I decided to go to BLACKFINN with some family and friends to hang out. When I got to the door the manager and the door guy told me I couldent get in. I asked why not? They told me that my jeans were to long and to wide. (WTF). Thats right, to long and to wide!!! Not only have I been there before and there were no problems with my jeans, the jeans I had on were 40 in the waist, on my but with a belt, and the length was 30. I am 5'11 so they were short. These were some strink to fit jeans, which were tight. Besides me I watch them turn away almost every black male that walked up to the line for silly reasons. They let all the white folks in no matter what they were wearing. I sat at the front door for about 10 mins and watch them do this. People were getting in with shorts, hats, jeans that were hanging to the floor, but I couldent get in because I was out of dress code. I had on a nice fitted button down shirt that fit, some fitted jeans and some boots! WOWZERS!!! REALLY!!!!! Because I didnt live that far I decided to go home and change to come back and prove a point. (By the way did I mention that I am a teacher)? They didnt know this all they saw was a black man with a beard they didnt want in their club. I came back to the club in a SUIT!!!! with a bow tie. Paid to park my car and went to the front door. Once at the the door they said to me now thats what I'm talking about. I aske them so is this what yal want? He said yes, mind you I am the only person that look like their going to church in the club. I looked and told them well these dress paints are bigger than my jeans I had on. They look at me with the DUMB FACE! Lost of words for them, had no response for that. Once in the club a member of the staff that watched the entire thing for beggining to end walked up to me and said just to let you know they was hateing on you the first time you came, and nothing was wrong with what you had on. BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT GO TO THIS BAR!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I will follow up on this with the Better Business Bureau of Texas, the news, and the City of Addison. Its not right. Not only am I a black male I am one with a education so therefore, I know what I need to do to help stop this madness!