I've been in the photographic industry for 5 years now, and I was in the market for the new Canon 7D. I live in Silver Lake, so my first stop was Samys due to its location. Samys was out of 7Ds, but I could tell the sales person was desperate to close the sale before I left the shop. He began pushing the T1i because it was in stock, and at first said ""you don't want the 7D, its over your head. Get the rebel, its video is just as good"". First off, I know the video is far superior in the 7D. But don't tell me what I want. I was insulted when he said ""its over your head"". I left immediately.
My next stop was Bel Air Camera. I went in with a chip on my shoulder due to my experience at Samys. I began working with a young guy named Alex, who was not offended by my aggro tone at first. He calmly showed me a demo unit, explained in PLAIN english the features, meaning he did not just spit out specs I could research on the computer. He also explained why the camera worked best for my applications.
I was offered an extended warranty and at first declined, but then returned 3 days later and picked up the warranty, to cover any future drops or water damage.
Overall I was very pleased with my experiences at Bel Air Camera, and plan on driving out of my way for the superior customer service.