I took my boxer and they suggested tests to help her, and she had cancer surgery and did fine. I am a truck driver, and had to take my 7 yr old chow/shepherd mix to a vet in Salt Lake, and that vet didn't know what she was doing. She didn't even suggest tests. My dog died a week later. I am sure that if more and proper tests where done, then my dog may of been saved. AT LEAST banfield suggests tests!!!! I would gladly pay to save my dog's life. She had her own health savings account built up over her lifetime, over $2k for her care. \r
TESTS ARE IMPORTANT especially when your pet is 6yrs old or over. Your pet may seem just fine, but may be hiding hidden health threats. Your pet wants to please you, so may hide illness until cannot hide any longer. A pet 6 years and older is equal to middle age in adults. Problems come with age.\r
I'll pay for tests, to find out what could be wrong. Then go from there. It costs money to care for pets, and I will pay for my dog's health. My dog, Rowan