For anyone that is thinking about purchasing a car from this man is insane. Working with him and his company has been borderline destructive. He is a manipulating man that will not only threaten you with your well-being, but also harass you until he has no more threats to throw to you. After we discovered that the car he was trying to sell us was faulty, we let him know that we were not going to purchase the car. With that, he became extremely upset and promised to sue us for it. Of course, he had no grounds, the car was on his lot! It's not like we took the car. It was sitting in his garage. And until he had a payment from us, there was nothing binding us to it. He was extremely upset that we have not taken the car, and demanded that we come pick it up. And he not only insulted my father, and called me repeatedly with insults, but he also made comments about his slow workers and how dumb they all were. He told my father that he was going to ruin my credit (how?), that he was going to cry in jail, (for a misdemeanor?), and that he was not man enough( who is the one that has a temper? 5 year olds are more mature than you). And also, half of the things that he said the car had, it did not when we got there. Really, this man has no reason to be running a business. He has anger problems, and consistently forgets that we are his customers, and not some people off the street. Do not listen to him when he bullies you, it's all hot air. And if you can, test drive the car A LOT, and do not give him ANY type of payment, until you are 100% it's the car you want. But honestly, I would not even consider him for any type of business transactions.
Pros: it was a sunny day?
Cons: Everything