This place could not provide worse service.
Google this web site for all of the pictures and details on my experience: archexpresssucks.blogspot
I was picked up in a dirty limousine. I will be posting a web site with all of the pictures. DO NOT USE THEIR SERVICE.
Here is a run down of my issues upon pickup:
- Driver was 15 minutes late without notice
- One speaker was tape up by duct tape
- One speaker was halfway hanging down
- White, dried foamy substance was on the counter and carpet
- Sticky substance was all over the seats
- Vehicle smelled of musty smoke
- Cup holders were broke
- Windows were not operable from the back
- Random styrofoam cup with straws was left in a cupholder
Furthermore, the company told me that they would take care of me the following morning. I did not receive a phone call back the following morning.
Then, I was told that I would receive a call back by 10:00 am the next day, but I still did not receive a call. So, I called. Then, I was told that I would receive a call by 5:00 pm that day, but I still didn't receive a call. So, I called again that evening, and was told that I would receive a call by the following morning.
I still didn't receive a call back. They continued to ignore the problem.
So, I called them again. After sending pictures (yes, I have documented every step of this horrible journey), the owner emailed (HE DIDN'T EVEN CALL) and said that he would give me a $50 credit.
I am currently moving forward with the Better Business Bureau, Attorney General's Office, and legal action.