""Wow, am I ever an idiot!"" Say this to yourself several times before your first visit to San Francisco's Union Square Apple store because I guarantee that's how you'll feel by the time you leave. The Apple Store suffers from the same problem facing every other culty geeky business: employees that have no clue as to how to interact normally with normal people (i.e., those who have the temerity to ask what the geek-ouisie deem obvious to anyone worthy of talking to them). I mean, ask a perfectly reasonable question, and they'll look at you like you're something unpleasant they stepped in on the sidewalk. My advice, steer clear of the Apple store and avoid these creeps at all costs. If you've been using a PC forever, but have been warming up to Mac after watching all those cute commercials, don't kid yourself. Macs look really cool, but all the hype about how user friendly and intuitive they are is just plain nonsense. If you don't already use a Mac, you have to start from scratch and learn everything all over again. If you have to have a Mac, do yourself a favor and order it online. Oh, and all these fawning reviews you see about the Apple store? The employees wrote them.
Pros: Looks nice
Cons: It'll ruin your day and possibly your whole week