Don't use these's our story:\r
In the middle of winter, my Mom's boiler stopped working. Because she's elderly, a widow and naive, and because they have ""these big ads right on the phone book"" she contacted ""All Week Plumbing"" and contracted with them to replace her boiler. \r
Here is my opinion. STAY AWAY from All Week Plumbing. \r
They were required to get a permit from the town my Mom lives in (Union County, NJ). The boiler runs fine but the town failed the job because ""All Week"" never installed a chimney liner. In the Northern states and with the high efficiency equipment now installed, if you have what they call a ""cold"" chimney (3 exposed sides), it needs a liner. It's even in the installation manual from the manufacturer. In any event, these people quoted the job, installed the boiler and refused, once the town failed the job, to install a chimney liner, even though it's a requirement to pass inspection.\r
Ozzy...the office manager. I just got off the phone with this rather nasty man. During conversations he's had with my Mom, he's asked if she would want him to come and remove the boiler. That sure felt like extortion to me when my Mom told me about it. He/they refused to install the chimney liner and this is a $1,200-$1,400 extra cost that Mom just wasn't even aware of. They sent some other outfit to Mom's house who quoted her that price. Ozzy/the owner, offered $300.00 towards the job. Really! Wow, thanks guys!\r
They are real wise guys...exploit the ignorance of the elderly. Well, live and learn. May All Week Plumbing reap what they sow. I find it strange that this is their business model.\r
Be warned, in New Jersey, if you replace your furnace or boiler and have a chimney with 3 exposed sides (called a ""cold"" chimney), you are required to have a chimney liner. Make sure you get this in your contract with whomever you do business with. Otherwise, your town will not pass the job and the onus seems to fall on the homeowner to bare the additional (and perhaps unexpected) cost.\r