Rarely one finds worse customer service or service in general. I tried to have my plasma tv repaired with them under warranty and after being reffered to them by the manfucaturing company itself. To make a long story short, both sides slammed their phones simultaniously after mutual personal insults, both swearing in turn never to speak another word, good or otherwise, to the other.\r
Took them over a month after reaptedly promising service ""next week"" for eventually backing out of the whole ordeal over a 20 minutes delay on my part, and then having the nerve to yell at me, their customer.\r
It was 3 monthes ago and I still become furious when I remember that. Check them out on search engines, see that my sentiment is not unique.\r
Pros: Speak fairely good english, including colorful cuss words.
Cons: They dont deliver anything but promises, and have the nerve to yell at you later and making it your fault somehow.