While Michael may be an experienced therapist who may know how to fix your problems, because of his large ego, if he feels you are questioning his methods, he will drop you as a client even if you are in worse shape than when you started with him.\r
My story: I have bad headaches due to compensation patterns resulting from a low neck issue. His plan was to break the compensation patterns and fix the underlying issue. In doing so, he warned, the headache symptoms may get worse before they get better. I told him I understood the short-term risks but wanted to get better in the long run so I was on board with getting treatment from him for the next couple of months. I also did express an interest in finding any way to relieve the symptoms as they got worse (since it directly affects my job). He seemed somewhat open to that and even agreed to hear what my previous therapist did for me that helped eased the symptoms. So, I got my both therapists on the phone to speak briefly. The next day, Michael called to say he no longer wanted me as a client, gave conflicting information as to whether his treatment was appropriate or not appropriate for me, and ultimately hung up on me mid-sentence. This came totally out of the blue because he seemed understanding of the catch-22 I was in of having to get worse before getting better. It would be one thing if he was a massage therapist just working on my symptoms, but since he getting at the root cause and exacerbating the symptoms in the meantime, it seems wrong and even unethical to stop someone in the midst of treatment for what I can only assume are egotistical reasons (an ego, mind you, worth more than the high price tag of seeing him each week)... or perhaps he truly had no clue what he was doing and needed to drop me as a client because he didn't know what he was doing. So, be warned. He may be knowledgeable, but could pull the plug on you at any time. Over the following few months, I reached out to him to see if he could at least recommend someone who does similar work (because I saw the promise in his treatment). This led to one unreturned email and one door being closed in my face, as I tried to speak to him in person. Clearly, this person does not truly care for the well-being of others. I realize this may sound exaggerated / made-up, but this is exactly what happened and why I am so angry.