Today I read the monologue, and they said I did a great job and to call back tomorrow...
I want to know for my own experience and for everyone else's benefit what the end result will be. Right now I have 100 % confidence in Actors Reps to be an honest reputable company that keeps their clients in mind at all times.
I already have head shots and a resume so in the next few weeks I won't be using their reccommended services for that, as in previous reviews where people where referred to a photographer.
Right now, I think it's great what they're doing. I am new to the city, I have a job and a son, I do this for fun! I have experience, but I am no professional, so often I read reviews, just like you, and I was hoping that someone would leave feed back for a few days with the agency, not just the first encounter or their overall experience, so I figure that would be me to make it easier on people that are curious.
Time to keep fingers crossed and hope for the best.. life is better lived as an optimist!
My plan is to post today, tomorrow after the initial call back, the first ""extra"" paid job and so fourth if it will go to that. I
Pros: Friendly Staff, they didn't ask for money
Cons: Very quick.. no real commercial ad audition as advertised