I was pleased and impressed with William Scott's work on my AC unit, and his willingness to push to get it done and to stand by me as a valued and long term ARS customer. The only concern came up with some confusion about the warranty on my unit. As I never signed any warranty or saw any information about the warranty with the manufacturer of the unit, that warranty information of course does not apply to me, and there was some confusion there. The contract and warranty material I signed was with ARS and an ARS representative, so the warranty information on that signed document should be what ARS is following. If ARS needs their warranty information to match that of the equipment manufacturer, then they need to take better care with what their representative and I sign off on together. But even with this problem, William Scott agreed that my paperwork (the original copy of the warranty agreement plus 2 or 3 subsequent ARS reps statements on their sheets supporting the original warranty document) was what should be followed, and stood by that contractual agreement. The AC unit is now back up and working well, and with minimal clean-up on my part. Very good work.