On July 25th 2011, my husband and I, took our family pet (our little chiwinnie) to the "A Paw Spa" in Morro Bay California.. She was to stay until Saturday the 30th of July 2011, while my husband and I, took a much needed trip up Pacific Coast Highway. Well this is where it all began. After arriving in Monterey and checked into our hotel room, I received a voice-mail to call "A Paw Spa". Upon doing so I was told that they had LOST our little dog (by the way her name is also Little Dog). Beside ourselves, we decided that they best thing to do, would be pack up our stuff and head back home, as our minds would have only been on our little dog and the trip would no longer be enjoyable. Oh did I mention that was the 1st day of our trip.. Making it back to Morro Bay, we went straight to the "A Paw Spa" to find out what had happened and hoping that maybe they had made a mistake.. Much to our grief they were right.. They had indeed lost our dog.. As we were packing up her belongings the kennel attendant came out and handed us our dogs collar with her ID tags.. As if our hearts weren't broken enough, we now how to deal with the fact that they had removed her only means of ID and contact..Well is has now been 3 days and the kennel "A Paw Spa" hasn't even contacted us to see if we have found our little dog.. I feel that people should be aware of the way they handle things and hope you can help.