The best Restaurants in Spooner are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Pizza Restaurants
524 S River St
Spooner, Wisconsin 54801
(715) 635-8636
I have been going to this restaurant my whole life, the only thing is this little hometown I'm proud of!! Pros: good pizza, good atmosphere,... More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
401 River St
Spooner, Wisconsin 54801
(715) 635-8825
This is a big hangout almost as good as Tony's! Pros: Good Food, Good Atmosphere, Lots of options Cons: Pricey More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
527 North River Street, Spooner, WI 54801
Spooner, Wisconsin 54801
(715) 635-5052
Can't go wrong - great sandwiches, great decor, fast service, treated like a rock star! The food is terrific. More
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      Rating: 3.5
Category: Bars, Pubs & Clubs
105 Walnut St
Spooner, Wisconsin 54801
(715) 635-6008
I like big butts and I cannot lie, but I love Big Dicks. You could always count on Big Dicks for a great time. I don't know what kind of beef they... More
Spooner's Top Places
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