The best Restaurants in Fredonia are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Photographic Studios
3795 E Main Rd
Fredonia, New York 14063
(716) 672-6000
Rite Aid is convenient and has friendly floor staff. Good Pharmacy and decent prices. More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Bakeries
27 E Main St
Fredonia, New York 14063
(716) 672-2253
If you're looking for tasty home-made soup with a generous slice of fresh baked bread, you can't go wrong with the Upper Crust. The lemon loaf... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Restaurants
44 Orchard St
Fredonia, New York 14063
(716) 679-0044
This casual Italian restaurant is one of our family's favorite restaurants - my husband recently had one of the "best steaks of his life". I always... More
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Fredonia's Top Places
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