The best Restaurants in Ephraim are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt
9990 Water St
Ephraim, Wisconsin 54211
(920) 854-2041
Wilson's is the place to go for ice cream. In Door County, in Wisconsin, in the midwest. You push yourself into a teaming mass of people standing a... More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
10425 Water St
Ephraim, Wisconsin 54211
(920) 854-2131
This is an INCREDIBLE restaurant with a beautiful atmosphere. Surrounding the restaurant are colorful gardens with a variety of flowers and a... More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: American Restaurants
9820 Brookside Ln
Ephraim, Wisconsin 54211
(920) 854-6621
This is my FAVORITE and must stop place I go to every summer! The food there is awesome, you never leave hungry. you deffinetly get your money's... More
Ephraim's Top Places
The best places are:
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