The best Restaurants in Englewood are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
725 W. Wenger Road
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 832-1776
Flavors Eatery pours on the pleasures and taste of healthy, California cooking to this suburb in Ohio. Whether you want to warm up with a steaming... More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Photographic Studios
900 Union Blvd
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-5204
Rite Aid is convenient and has friendly floor staff. Good Pharmacy and decent prices. More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Bars, Pubs & Clubs
128 N Main St
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 832-2010
Raffles,Entertainment,Spirits & Great food at a good price. Pros: Family Owned. More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Pizza Restaurants
805 S Main St
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-5177
Rock n Bowl was sweet. great tunes, lanes were lit up with black lights, flat screen t.v.s all over the place to watch the football games. Counter... More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
625 S Main St
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-8868
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
852 Union Blvd
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-8227
Best ribs I ever ate. I did not know this place was there and i live 2 minutes away. I loved the elvis Pros: easy eccess, family owner, friendly... More
      Rating: 4.5
Category: Restaurants
404 W National Rd
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 832-0333
The ONLY question is "Who is in charge of marketing?" This place is without a doubt the best pizza in the history of the world. Why isn't there a... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Restaurants
375 W National Rd
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-1054
They have the best take-out and they are open late on the weekends. They don't deliver but they have a pick up window, so you can get food in your... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Restaurants
725 W Wenger Rd
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 832-1176
It's a small family-run icecream place with some very random extras like powerbars, and pizza. It's a little strange at first, but everyone there is... More
      Rating: 3.7
Category: Restaurants
615 S Main St
Englewood, Ohio 45322
(937) 836-1145
The marinara sauce is the best since leaving New York City. The food is worth every cent it costs. Nick and Kelly make our Tuesday's At Tony's... More
Englewood's Top Places
The best places are:
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