The best Doctors in Dallas are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Doctors
2713 Marietta Hwy. Suite 122
Dallas, Georgia 30132
(770) 739-9292
Stephen Carter is the main doctor in this practice. He and his staff are excellent doctors. If he doesn't know what is wrong with your child, he... More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Surgeon
2713 Marietta Hwy Ste 122
Dallas, Georgia 30157
(770) 505-3162
Great doctor with lots of experience. Doesn't get anxious over small things and has enough information to make me feel comfortable as a parent when... More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Doctors
2713 Dallas Hwy Ste 122
Dallas, Georgia 30157
(770) 505-3162
I origianlly started going to West Atl Peds because they are only 5 mins from our home when we moved here 4 yrs ago and it was conveient, but they... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Doctors
Dallas, Georgia 30132
(770) 443-3335
My family has been using Dr. Wehunt for many years. He is a great family practioner. He has late hours during the week and it is usually pretty... More
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