The best Auto-Mechanics in Struthers are:

      Rating: 4.0
Category: Auto Body Repair
109 Poland Ave
Struthers, Ohio 44471
(330) 755-2255
After my accident I needed a lot of work done to my car and after checking around I found here to be the best. They went over the entire car with me... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Towing
115 Poland Ave
Struthers, Ohio 44471
(330) 755-4570
They towed my car after my accident last week at 3:00 am and seemed happy to do it. Because the accident wasnt my fault they didnt even charge me... More
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      Rating: 3.7
Category: Automotive
281 N Bridge St
Struthers, Ohio 44471
(330) 755-4729
These people were great after my accident. I called every place around to get a rental car and they blew me away with their prices and service. Not... More
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