The best Activities in Lowell are:

      Rating: 4.0
Category: Museums & Galleries
325 W Main St
Lowell, Michigan 49331
(616) 897-7688
It is a great place for a little bit of history. They have a beautiful dining room that they use throughout the year. They also rent it out to... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Museums & Galleries
149 S Hudson St
Lowell, Michigan 49331
(616) 897-8545
Always well done. Classes and exhibits. I love to go there to see what is new. More
      Rating: 3.3
Category: Movie Theaters
2175 W Main St
Lowell, Michigan 49331
(616) 897-1357
I am a frequent customer of the Ada-Lowell 5 movie theater, and I love it. The staff is very friendly, the prices are cheap, and every time a movie... More
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