The best Activities in Clayton are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Pet Stores
1673 Old Us Highway 70 W
Clayton, North Carolina 27520
(919) 359-2424
This was my first time in the store and I had a hard time leaving. This was everything a fish store should be. I've never seen so many different... More
      Rating: 5.0
Category: Activities
512 Hunter Way
Clayton, North Carolina 27520
(919) 896-9804
Website: Payment types: Paypal More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Sports Events
850 NC 42 Hwy W
Clayton, North Carolina 27520
(919) 553-4386
Rainbow Lanes is a fun place to take your family. There is no smoking. Besides bowling, there is a large game room with video games, token kiddie... More
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