The best Activities in Buffalo are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Bowling
841 S Ash St
Buffalo, Missouri 65622
(417) 345-2219
This is the only place to bowl in Buffalo, and what a place. The joint is jumping with the bowling,fooseball,and all the other games going on. ... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Music Stores
1505 Highway 65
Buffalo, Missouri 65622
If you have a need or desire to make some music, then this is the store for you. Weeks Music is located south of Buffalo on Highway 65,just on the... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Video Rental
1124 S Ash St
Buffalo, Missouri 65622
(417) 345-1099
If you are in the mood to rent a movie tonight, then Courtyard Video is the place for you. They have lots of movie classics to choose from, along... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Activities
West side of sguare
Buffalo, Missouri 65622
Davisons TV and Electronics is located on the west side of square just a few doors down from the bank. The store has been in business for over 40... More
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