The best Activities in Bedford are:

      Rating: 4.0
Category: Amusement Parks

Bedford, Ohio 44146
(216) 591-0707
This was the most active fun I've had in a long time. In laser sport you wear a hi tech vest with sensors and you use a futuristic laser gun to... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Amusement Parks
21863 Aurora Rd
Bedford, Ohio 44146
(216) 663-0094
Big Happy’s Skate Park is an all weather haven for skateboarders and bikers. Located in a former warehouse, the skate park is large and is open... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Auto Parts
26383 Broadway Ave (at Oakwood Village - 1 1/2 Miles SE of I-271)
Bedford, Ohio 44146
(440) 232-5444
This family run business is a great place for you and your kids to go to for recreactional bowling. They offer adult and childrens leagues and even... More
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