Review content:
John Liles knows his product and is service oriented. He goes out of his way to work with his customers and ensure that whatever they select, they are completely happy with. My wife and I walked in just to do some window shopping. I recognized right off the bat that Luxury of Leather was different, and that I had stumbled upon a funiture specialist.
Rooms to Go, Room Store, blah blah blah...they are all about volume and pushing out as much cheap product as possible. I know, because I have purchased there before. Big box stores such as those previously mentioned and others... while quick, easy, relatively inexpensive and painless, mean that you sacrifice quality. When you shop at Luxury of Leather, you are getting quality, hands down.
We custom built our sofa and two recliners to our exact desires. You start with the type and sizes you are seeking. Then you pick out just how soft you want your cushions to be. Then you move on to the grains and colors of the multitude of leathers from across the world. You continue to build up your furniture all the way to the most minute details such as the foot stools and nail brads. (Try doing that at a Big Box store and see how far you get). When you are finished, you have built up exactly what you want! We had a very difficult room to work with, and John Liles even came to our house to visualize and measure out what our particular issues were. We customized the sofa to our specific widths and lengths we needed. NOW THAT IS CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!
We could not possibly be more pleased with Luxury of Leather and the service of John Liles.
Add to all of this, the fact that this furniture is custom built using quality materials right here in the DFW area. That's right, not China, North Korea, or even another State. When you purchase at Luxury of Leather you are buying LOCAL, which means you are helping our local economy even further by keeping local jobs. And you're helping out the little guy!
So, we rest easy in our sweet, luxurious, leather furniture.
Thanks Luxury of Leather, and thanks again John!!!
CTT, Plano Texas
Pros: Customized Customer Service
Cons: Leather is a Luxury, not a necessity.