Review content:
San Rafael, CA
5 star rating
Kinnaree Thai Massage, I have tried many people who practice massage, but Kinnaree to me is pure Thai massage, I met Sonja & Tom when they started working at Traditional Thai Massage in Mill valley. I followed them when they opened Kinnaree. Sonja is the best...with her hands, feet and arms she just knows what to do and Tom is incredible. Actually, the whole staff are amazing they have distinctive differences, but they stay within the parameters and spirit of Thai Massage. I recently read the definition of Kinnaree and if anyone encapsulated that image it would be the therapist Yuri... my days are chaotic and she probably does not understand what it means to me when I walk through that door. Maybe this will help explain....
Silky her body, pressed against mine,
Though I breath into the flat mattress,
she is messing with my feet,
when I glanced back her eyes are closed and
her hands like a pyramid between
her heart and lips,
the purity and prayer
in the silence her eyes opened in pleasure,
like chocolate waiting to be tasted.
I dream between the waves of love and
waves of beauty,
like a fallen leaf both caress me.
Slowly she surrounds me, like blunt spears pushing till I sigh,
the incense of lemon grass
its sap is spread softly on my skin,
her fingers touch me creating words in the chaotic silence of a man,
she opens the empty paper pages of my untold story,
and I let her,
absorbing the tension in my body,
I let her, and she pulls inside not the pleasure,
but the silence.
I look at the barrier separating the sky,
her eyes look neither at me nor through me,
she appears like a painting.
I turn over,
I inhale the jasmine scent
between her stomach and neck,
the phone rings the silence is broken,
the painting on my wall,
I pass it every day and once in a while I stop,
and stare at
the beauty of color,
the beauty of black and white,
the beauty of old and new.
Pros: setting -rooms are very comfortable
Cons: A two hour massage goes too quickly