Review content:
You really need to think twice before signing up with this fine establishment. Yes, it's true what many of the reviewers state--the instructors (most) are really nice, the people that train there are friendly, and it's a nice environment . . . if you just wanted to hang out with people. However, if you're really interested in obtaining knowledge and furthering your growth in jiu-jitsu and muay thai, you should probably go somewhere else. The way it works is that they advertise that they are open almost all the time and you can come in at any time and someone will work with you. In truth, yes, they may actually have the doors OPEN, but that doesn't mean that anyone is actually going to WORK with you. Yes, there are instructors there, but they'd rather chit-chat and talk about various things instead of helping you work on anything. As for structure, there isn't any structure. Basically, you will walk in for your first class which is free. Okay, great, this will be somewhat similar to what you will expect if you join, right? No, not even close. The first class is basically some guy who will work with you one-on-one and bust your butt and you'll say to yourself, ""Wow, this place is awesome, I have to sign up. Obviously the instructors can't work with me one-on-one all the time, but chances are that they can devote 5-10 minutes to me over the course of an hour if I come more frequently or I can just come at times when there are no classes, like during the daytime. Okay, I'll sign up."" \r
Well, then they try to show you what a great deal 3 months/6 months/12 months is. Umm, I just want one month. Thanks though . . . So, you sign up for 6 months/year on the premise that you can leave early if you like, no problem. (I guess they give a refund but one of the guys in my JJ class told me that you have a better chance of beating some guy named GSP than getting any money back.) Great, next class you show up early, and you go to the EXACT same instructor who did your intro class and say, hey, great intro class, can you give me some tips for today? His response is essentially going to be a ""Go F' yourself because I'm busy with x, y, z. You have to work on everything I taught you at the last class!"" Okay, no problem, maybe I can go join the UFC next week since I'm obviously so advanced. I'm sorry, but that really doesn't cut it for me. Why don't they just have you join a normal class when you show up for your free trial? Because then much fewer people would actually join. Sadly, this place has tremendous potential and the owner, Kru John, is a PHENOMENAL teacher. PHENOMENAL. Seriously, never seen a better instructor--it's a shame he doesn't teach more classes. The gym is the real deal (for people who already know a heck of a lot--seriously, you would not want to mess with their fighters) and he sadly probably has no idea of what is going on around him. Nevertheless, if you really want to learn and are really dedicated, go to a place where it's not just about the money and the desire to ""sign you up"" and there is a little, tiny bit of interest in you as a person developing your skills. On the other hand, if you already have a really good core of knowledge, then you probably would fit in here just fine. Anyway, I hope this review helped someone out there who like me, was looking for the right gym and unfortunately walked into the wrong one.