Review content:
I have had axminster for 4 years. My general doctor is great, which is why I have given this provider 2 stars. Personally, i give her 5 stars, but axminister as whole deserves negative 5 stars. \r
My troubles with this provider began 4 years ago. I went to urgent care to have a swollen ankle looked at. Dr. Su diagnosed me with a sprained ankle, and he didnt even SEE my ankle. My pants and socks remained on, he simple diagnosed me based on a verbal descirption, then sent me on my way. The swelling increased over a week, and i returned to urgent care, with the bad luck of getting Dr. Su again. Once more, he did not look at my ankle. I was foolish to not be more aggressive with him and to trust his judgement. A week later I was hospitalized with a genetic form of arthritis that spread to my other ankle, knees, and wrists. At 27 years old, my parents were taking care of me because I could not feed myself or walk. After 3 months, I was able to turn a key again, and a year of treatment, I was able to run again. If Dr Su had taken more, or ANY, care to my ankle, this condition may have been caught earlier, and the symptoms possibly less severe.\r
Additionally, I recently moved. In the office, I changed my address. But they entered it wrong, causing me to miss my referrals. I called to verify it was changed, it wasnt, so i corrected them. I could tell you the whole story, but after 3 phone calls to change my address, the unqualified unskilled labor still can't make a correct change of address. As of now, some stranger is still getting my mail from axminster. \r
If it wasn't for my general doctor, Dr. Ehret, whom I love because she is friendly, knowledgeable, and always takes her time and care with me, I would leave this medical group asap.\r
I will say however, that this medical group is attempting to modernize its prescirption and data with computers and internet Rx's. Now they just have to re-evaluate a particularly careless doctor, and hopefully there arent more like him.\r
Medical groups must realize that it only takes one weak link to soil their reputation.