Review content:
I am acquainted with Pro City, not as a customer, but as a professional in the field. Common sense dictates that, in any business, there will be dissatisfied people. I, personally feel that the modification business specifically lends itself to high levels of frustration for those involved.\r
In my professional and qualified opinion, Pro City is far and away the best modification company I have researched or familiarized myself with. Actually, there simply are not that many left and even less good ones.\r
I have read from disgruntled homeowners and professional alike, that one should not hire a company to assist with the modification process. Not only do I disagree with this broad-based, uninformed advice, it's objectively wrong advise to give. Has anyone actually called a ""free"" service? Has anyone actually dealt with a volunteer HUD counselor? Good luck! I am very qualified to say they, in this instance, ""free"" is way too expensive. They, like most free government programs, are a complete joke and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. As an alternative to the poor advice mention above, many encourage homeowners to do it themselves with no professional intervention. Anyone who says this automatically give away their lack of experience on the matter thus rendering their advice useless, as no one with experience could, in good conscience recommend that homeowners ""take a stab"" on their own. Homeowners fending for theselves on the lender's turf is absolutely preposterous in a vast majority of instances. They have no clue what to look for, and wouldn't know right from wrong if their, well, HOME depended on it.\r
I know Pro City, like any other company, has a few customers that are not happy with the experience and/or result but I also know a couple other things: one, Pro City has helped thousands in this process of modifications and two, any bashing in these posts are a mixture of former employees, competition, trollers, legitmately upset customers and those that are embellishing or misrepresenting the circumstances. That's the nature of these kinds of forums, as I'm sure you know.
Pros: Smart & Knowledgable People
Cons: Challenges of the process itself