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I'm a member of a low income family, one of many low income family's that have members who have injuries resulting in pain 24/7. Franklin C. Fetter is the only clinic I'm able to go to , and yet they refuse pain management. I would like for someone to tell me where I , and others like me are to go for pain management . seeing as how I am told that these Doctors have neither the time , nor are they there for this purpose ??? Then , Please tell me what they are there for ?? Most of us that go to this clinic are elderly, therefore we do have pain, either from injuries , or from age, so what does that say for a clinic that is for low income families, and the elderly, yet doesn't do pain management ?? Injured, Elderly, = Pain, so if your a clinic that treats injured,and elderly, low income families, then treat them, don't go half way , then say, oops, I'm sorry we don't do that. Your the last straw, where are we suppose to go for treatment ?
Pros: if your not to sick, thumbs up !
Cons: if you need real treatment, Thumbs Down !!!