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MP – February 25, 2009»Flag this review
I hope more consumers compare what Dr.Dilauro offers vs. her competetiors and realise she is NOT a dermatologist or a Plastic surgeon. The doctor is Family Practice and does cosmetics.Pay her high prices at a real professionals office and get real results elsewhere. Call Dr.Sullivan or Scarborough or Karen Lin
Emily B. (Westerville, OH) – January 03, 2008»Flag this review
I'm a current patient and this is a scam. I would not advise anyone to this doctor.
Anonymous (St. Pete, FL) – October 05, 2007»Flag this review
hi, i'm the boyfriend who took the video on my phone. also, bethany was in so much pain and to see her suffer was horrible. i was there when bethany was on the phone with Cris. bethany called crying and bethany mentioned she was going to call the better buisness place and Cris got irate and called bethany names ""young"" and ""dumb"" and hung up on bethany. bethany cried all night about that. i mean all she wanted was her money back. i'm 31 bethany is only 19. dilauro is wrong and it's just not righ
Rebuttal by – joan, colorado
This was a very expensive procedure, as much as some cosmetic surgery, and it did absolutely nothing to tighten my skin. I wish I could recover my money on fraud charges.
Bethany Tucci (Gahanna, OH) – May 25, 2007»Flag this review
I'm 19 year old female. Mary DiLaruo promilsed me perfect flawless from her IPL treatment for acne with only a few treatments. My face is far from flawless. She told me I need a THERMAGE treatment. She told me one treatment would work! It costed $3,500 for the Thermage plus $595.00 per malti facial that lasted only 5 minutes. Not to ment she BURN me really really bad causeing me to scar she told me my scar would go away asap. She gave me wrong infromation and misled me. I spen all my money in her care and I trusted her. I called her office crying my eyes out becase I wasted all my money in her care. I have talked to 6 other patients over the age of 40 who used to see her. They contacted me and told me to do something about this matter. What do I do?? Dr. are supposed to help people not take their money. I was told I was young and dumb by her secertary named Chris. Julie was the only nice one. I saw Dr. DiLauro for about 4 years now. My mom saw her too. My mom is 55 and she also spent thousands of dollars at Reflections of Beauty. I have pictures where she left me to scar for life and videos of her thermage procedure... only last at most 10 min. dr. dilauro complaind the whole time about having to proform the proceder to 7 different people that day. she wasnt very interested in my acne concern. www.faceandlegs.
Rebuttal by – Marie DiLauro, MD
Bethany chose a treatment plan but did not follow or complete the plan. She was told verbally and in writing: “Acne is a Chronic Condition that can be managed or improved, may disappear for a while, but tend to relapse, and is rarely cured.” I have 28 photographs showing great improvement & she gave written permission to use photos in our Ads. Bethany stopped treatment & acne returned.
Rebuttal by – James Hall Attorney at Law
The statements above are not true and must be corrected. I have discussed this matter in detail with the doctor, Marie DiLauro, MD.
Rebuttal by – Marie DiLauro, MD
Bethany is lying has been harassing and threatening me and my office staff for several months. I request the opportunity to respond in detail to her lies. I should have the same amount of space to respond as she had to make her allegations, but you have severely limited me. I have the written records, signed documents and photographs to prove she is lying. Dr. Marie DiLauro, MD