Review content:
So after further thinking I thought it would be best to put my thoughts online for all to read. Quala Care has been in business for 20 years, and for someone who believes that its whats best for the children, Quala Care has a different perception, its all about MONEY!! I have never been surrounded by a child care center that had their employees do all the dirty work! For as much money as parents pay for childcare, the last thing we want to see is our child's teacher picking up trash in the parking lot , shoveling snow, washing the owner's daughter's car, running personal errands for the owner, raking leaves for hours, when they should be teaching our child!! Where are the parents' money going, I ask? Well certainly, not to outsourced businesses to clean up the facility, to shovel snow and do other landscape work. Not to purchasing new toys, books, furniture for the kids. And especially, not to any of the teachers who deserve to see a raise for a job well done. No...its going to the vacations, cars, and vacation homes for the owner and her family. It sickens me to see how these women who take care of our children are treated by higher staff. They are devious staff who will smile at you when you walk in and then talk trash about you behind your back. They will find every little thing wrong about what you do or say, when they themselves don't interact with the kids on a daily basis. Some of the owners don't even live in the same state. So for a group of owners who should be proud of their staff and be involved with the parents and their opinions, are more worried about how much money they can suck out of their parents and improve their own lifestyles. The teachers of Quala Care deserve a better reputation. They do this job b/c of their love of children. As parents' we want was is best for our kids. And sometimes we don't always have better sources to rely on. Therefore, we have no choice but to subject our children to a center like Quala Care has become. My kids have built a very good relationship with their teachers and that is why they still attend there. However, as much as I hate to say, I am surprised to see how many of these teachers have remained there for many years after being treated the way they are. Heck, they should get together and open a more reputable center that could put QC out of business.
One more thought, if QC's higher mgmt focused more on what's best for these great group of kids, they would not go through such a fast teacher turnaround. Its the teachers and parents that know whats best, not the owners who live across the country.
A pat on the back and a ""job well done"" on a regular basis can make a world of difference!!