Review content:
Something about that first review screams ""I AM UNHAPPY AND WISH TO MAKE OTHERS FEEL THE SAME WAY"" because i have lived at Apple Hill for about 2 years, and though that may not be 16, I know that most of this story is fictional.
The manager, She is a nice woman, she works with her tenants in ways others wouldn't take the time to care for. Maybe you have a problem with the way she runs her apts, Do you think you could do a better job, Doubt it. Everything she does, she does because she is told to by her own boss. Apparently you don't work, if you did you would know that in order to keep a job you do what your boss/supervisor tells you to do whether you agree or not. Hints: Inspections, writing people up (for things they know are against the lease). Have I struck a Nerve yet.
Also as a tenant in this so called horrible neighborhood.. I can assure you i am not a dirty person who drinks and smokes in my home, I do not blare my music or drive fast through the parking lot. You cant blame everyone for the mistakes of one or two people who by the way are told about their actions. I am certain you are not the perfect tenant yourself, lets not be a hypocritical person. My house is not always spotless, but I have more responsibility than parties to blame. Also, Our management is very clean, I have been inside her apartment, Its spotless. Also smells very nice. This does not sound like a great place for cock roaches to hang. Ps. what kind of person posts something like that on a review site. Personal vendetta maybe?
In conclusion, people who are actually wondering about the apartments, disregard the first review, its a lie from someone who is angry because their life is unhappy.
Apple Hill Apartments is not a horrible place to live, it is better than most, and our manager does her job, which is what she is suppose to do. She is nice and clean, and people who spread rumors on a review site do not have the brains to realize they are only making themselves look bitter.
If you don't like the place, say so, but don't talk like you are gossiping in high school!