Review content:
Open Letter From Kevin Sullivan,
I would like to thank all of the Parents, Students, Teachers, Doctors, Police Officers, Military Personnel, Veterans, Fellow Martial Artists, Colleges, and others, that I have had the pleasure of providing training for. I have learned a lot about life from them and I am eternally grateful for their rock solid support.
I'm aware of some of the made up declarations about me that appear on the Internet and in reviews posted by known persons as well as many anonymous unknown persons. I've seen some of them. Some are funny. Some are pretty far out there. Some I would not dignify with a response. Being more a student of the Martial Arts and a positive lifestyle, than the wild, wild web-world of the Internet, I'm not quite sure what to make of it all. It's quite surprising.
I do know that boys will be boys and you can’t please everyone. I neither take offense nor do I take these things too seriously. Who knows, maybe these made up declarations will lead people to seek out the real facts, as found in my recently updated website’s Testimonial Recommendation Letters, Awards, Citations, Thank You Letters, Championship Titles that I won in NASKA and KRANE Tournament Competitions as well as, the Photos. Meeting me in person is a great option and you can see the originals of any letters, awards or photos. I look forward to meeting anyone interested. I'm very proud of these accomplishments and the efforts of other people putting their name on the record and department’s with their endorsement of me, and my teachings.
I shall remain forever grateful to all of the wonderful people I have met and served throughout the years. I wish all my critics, real or imaginary all the best. I wish all of my supporters the absolute best as well as my humble gratitude for allowing me into your lives and to of been privileged to have served you.
I have only good intentions for all. Good- bye for now, God Bless and all the Best!
Kevin Sullivan