Review content:
I have been employed by this company for serveral years. In the beginning, things seemed okay. I did quickly learn there was an obvious communication problem within the office, which was rather interesting considering there are only a few feet between offices. This company doesn't believe in giving raises, of any sort. In the beginning they will make it sound great to work there, " Oh, you will get personal time, vacation, raises, blah, blah, blah." They fail to inform you in order to get holiday pay, you have to work, or you get nothing. They fail to inform you that you have to have a minimum of 32 hours per week before you can have vacation pay, and you have to be there 2 years. Personal a joke! They want you to work your fingers to the bone, pretty much kill over from stress, before they even think you should have anytime. Your duties are to include providing care to the Elderly and/or Disablied, but you will quickly learn, they want more and more out of you, but with no pay increase. The office administration also feels as though they have to right to tell your clients how they need to live their lives, ex. when they need to wake up, when they need to go to the store, etc. They promise gas mileage, only to find out instead of per mile it is per hour with your client, which isn't even $ .50 an hour, considering how high gas is, this is insulting. So, if you want to work in literal Hell on Earth, this is the place to be. I am getting out just as quick as my feet will carry me. Oh, and one last thing, Nancy, the office manager, will act all kind and sweet, DON"T FALL FOR IT! She is as two faced as they come. Noone has ever spoken to me in such a nasty way over no good reason until she did!