Ok, who steals second hand shit. I went to the Mustard Seed today like I
Always do every Friday, and I tried on 3 items. I went to the dressing room
to try them on, and there were 2 other people in the area, including a set
of high school bitches. The high school chicks made a bee-line to the
exit, then I exited the dressing room with my 3 items, I left one
article of clothing with the bitch who checked my stuff before I even
tried it on...okay. While I am standing at the register, the whole staff
swarms towards my black ass asking me if I have a "Blue Floral Tank"
No I don't, then another bitch came to me and asked me again, without
interrogating anyone else in that little ass store. What I wanna know is
why do you have the bitch standing in the back if she's not gonna monitor
what the hell is going on, or does she only monitor black people who
look like they may have an interest in blue floral tanks. It was the high
school white kids that did it. Thievery has no age limit or color. I spend
and have spent alot of my money in that funky ass store, and I am so
offended by the way those whores ran up on me over a tank top, I wanna
take a shit on the floor if I ever come in there again. I have referred many
but I have also heard of other racist stories about the "Seed" You might
as well bring the "whites only" sign back. then see if you still keep your
merchandise. The Mustard Seed can suck my dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!