i am a coach and huntley gumnastics. i am tired of heearing all this stuff that parents have to complain about, if you dont like the gymsimply go somwhere else. dont sit here and waster your life talkin about how bad a place is. move on with your life and get over it.
Huntley gymanstics is not a bad place or gym and the staff is amazing!. all these parents who say they are sick of coaches talkin behind thier childs back are being total hippocrits by posting on the site. you are doing the exact same thing. and as everyone knows,. two wrongs dont make a right. most parents get upset because thier childred are not moving up to the next level liek other children but thier child is most likley not capable of doing gymasntics and not cut out for the sport. this doesnt mean you chould take your child out of the sport but lower your expectations. not everychild can be an olympic champion.
all this talkin need to stop. do somthin better with your lives!