Want to find out what the medical community thinks of Randall Coleman? Ask any OB/GYN nurse in the surrounding area. He has lost his hospital privileges at most of them. Which means "we don't want you practicing here because you are a liability". I'll give him one thing though; he puts on a very convincing show (caring, concerned etc). Start to ask him some questions though and see how this wonderful, caring person turns into Dr Jekyll. He is right ALWAYS, and if you can prove to him he is wrong, he is angry at YOU for pointing it out, and will still refuse to acknowledge he was wrong. There is no questioning him. Try it and see what the result is. He gets FURIOUS and abusive to his patients. Don't you think since YOU are employing HIM (therefore, he works for you) that as the employer, you have the right to question him on WHY and ask about alternatives??? Good luck, and please post his response.