O, interesting! The same? I got my car to be inspected. They told me
axle boot isn't good, rear 2 tires not good. Failed the inspection.
When I checked the boot it was in grease only, but good one and
not broken (?)/ Just somweone put some grease on it!
We replaced BOTH rear tires for front ones they had told us they are good.
You can't believe it, but when I came back, they told me: rear 2 tires
are not good! Can't believe it!
It is One case when I didn't replace tires and cheated them But I didn't.
I just frankly know that bad tires on my yeys were replaced!
Yes, we here 100 % we replaced, He told me we don't know you driven the car out
e car out, might cheated them. He told do you want to do jobs agter
the first imspection failed, for you. I said no thanks (because it
would be for something 600-800$$$!
I said thanks, we will do weselves!
I have evidences, confirmation and people, who on my yeyes did it!
I didn't have extra tire disks, so it is 100% sure we replaced tires they told
whta are good one and what are not. Have papers. And the second time receipt
So, conclutions you can do yourself, customer.//
He says me you driven out the car, meaning "might possible I cheated them".
People thing others are stupid and no respect here at all! They think we
are stupid to pay for nothing.
Next time I never come to this gaz station!