Bj's may looking intimidating from the outside due to the burned out bulbs on the Stag Beer sign and the stray snaggle toothed hoosier leaning against the railing leading up to the entrance, but I can assure this bar is harmless.
When you open the door and enter the bar everyone will stop what they are doing and look at you. It is very important to keep your head down at this point and head towards the kitchen.
The pizza here is really the only reason a sane individual would want to step foot in this hole. This "bar food" pizza rivals most of the chain stores in the area, and is allot cheaper.
While you're waiting for your pizza to cook, walk on the old creaky wooden floor towards the beer stained rickety bar and order a mason jar of beer. It's only three bucks, and it's most likely flat. But what else would you expect from a hole such as this.
If it takes longer than expected to cook your pizza and you have to use the restroom, do yourself a favor and wait until you get home. You'll thank me later.