I brought my 14-year-old son into the Hobby Emporium to look for items he needed for a school project. First, we were followed around the store like we were going to steal something, then comments were made about what we were picking up to buy by the associate working there. We had already been asked if we needed help, and we politely told the gentleman that we did not. He continued to follow us around the store, and then he intruded upon our conversation about exactly what my son needed for his project. He ridiculed my son to the point where I walked out of the store. He made my son feel as though the science project would not work, even though my son had had the project approved by his science teacher. My son's exact words were "I hope he feels good about himself making me feel like a total failure in life". People like this should NOT be working with the public. I don't know who he was, but he worked there on a Saturday afternoon. I would NEVER go back there.