When you shop at this store for kid's or baby clothes you can quickly see that it's not your usual Goodwill type resale shop. The owner won't accept just 'any' items. All clothing must be in good condition and no stains, rips, tears or fading. Most of the clothing is very high quality and has only been worn a couple times.
Some of the items include fancy dresses for little girls, baby to pre-teen. They also have regular play clothes for boys and girls and infants. They have a toy and baby items section too where they have strollers, walkers for baby, and many toys and stuffed animals that are in fine condition.
The owner accepts items of clothing on consignment, but as mentioned they must be in decent shape. She has frequent sidewalk sales where you can see many racks outside on Clearance.
Of course, with nicer clothes come more expensive prices. They are not outlandishly expensive, but things cost more than say Goodwill.
If you're looking for some clothes for your children to play in and get dirty, I would say get them at another resale shop with cheaper items. If you're looking for 'best dressed' items for when you take your kids places and want them to look nice, then shop here. It is a fun place to shop.