I used Wildflowers for as my wedding florist in Aug. 2006. At first everything went really smoothly, Judy the owner spent a lot of time talking with me and reassuring me that everything would be fine (since I was planning my wedding from a different state) and that she would take care of everything. I should have know something was wrong when I began sending clippings of pics of how I wanted things to look (like my bouquet) and she was not receiving them, either by mail or email. But I let it go because I had met with her in person and she had led me to believe she knew exactly what I wanted.
The day of my wedding arrives and I was a little disappointed. My BQ did not look like I had wanted, though it was beautiful, just not what I had wanted. My other flowers did look wonderful and I was very happy with them... Until about half way through pics my bridesmaid's started noticing this white sticky stuff on all of their dresses. It was coming from the tape on their Bouquets and did not come out of the dresses. We had decided to take pic before the wedding so this was a huge concern for me. But then the kicker happened. During group photographs MY BQ BROKE! Literally in half. To say the least I was pretty upset. My photographer was able to piece it back together as best as but wanted me to know that it had never happened before and she was going to call the florist on my behalf.
I made a phone call to Judy (owner of Wildflowers) after my honeymoon and explained what had happened. She apologized profusely and offered to "make me a new bouquet" and have it freeze dried along with my husbands bout. I told her that it would be fine and I dropped off the BQ and bout. so she could see what had happened and prevent it from happening again. She seemed very pleasant and told me she would take care of it right away, that she was very sorry. Judy had gotten complaint phone calls from my photographer and my reception venue and would I please let them know she was handling it. That was Sept. 1st of 2006. I called 6 months later