I love everything about this office & the people inside!
I am a perio patient and have lost lots of teeth due to my condition.
While living up in WI, all those dentists & specialist wanted to do was to make big money off of me regardless if the new appliances fit or not ! *grrr*
Dr Favale & staff go above and beyond in taking care of me & my needs and do so with no addtional charges! * I think?* haha
I just came back from having a second adjustment to my new partial and was told that if it's still not right, dont hesitate to call us up again :-)
I really really appreciate this as I'm going back to my hometown in CA next month & really want to be able to enjoy my Jack In The Box Monster Tacos & Roundtable Pizza this time around!!!! *LOL*
I highly recommend this dental group to anyone in the Lake County, IL. area!
If you're reading this my new fav friends @ the Lindenhurst Dental Group, just want to say many thanks to you Dr. Favale & Marjorie & everybuddy there in the office for the quick friendly service, patience, beautiful calming lake views & most importantly , my nice new choppers which have thus far, been better than anything I got from any dentist up in WI! ;-)
Shirley K.