I realize people don't usually get a chance to choose their own specialist, but if you are moving into town with existing back issues then you should make an appointment here.
There are two doctors in this practice. My doctor was Tim Bassett.
At first I was annoyed because I had to wait in the office for a long, long time before he got to me. But once he did get there, I understood and forgave him for the wait. Unlike other specialists, he takes his time with his patients. Not only did I have a chance to ask questions, I was relaxed enough to be able to think of some. Usually I realize I wanted to ask them something after I have left.
He also understood the realities of the situation. Surgery was my best option, but a long-term course of nerve blocks might help a lot as well. First he clearly explained what each one would entail physically, what it would solve in the short term and long term, and what was the likelihood each would work. This was more like a conversation between us than a doctor just giving a list of options to a patient. And then, because he understands that, regrettably, money is part of the decision, he had his staff call my insurance company and estimate what my out of pocket costs would be for the surgery.
The only other doctor's office that I have left with so few questions was a family doctor.