Shortly after our order was taken a restaurant employee set up a ladder next to our table and proceeded to spray paint a ventilation cover that was directly above our table. We had already been served and the fumes, vapors and paint were able to descend directly onto our table and the table behind us. When we asked the employee to stop spray painting he laughed and said “it has to get done sometime” and basically ignored us. It took 2 other tables of people complaining, yelling and screaming to finally get the guy to stop! And the best part...when we got up to leave after getting headaches and started to get stomach ache, the hostess asked "Was everything okay?" I pointed to the guy spraypainting over our table and said "that wasn't!". Know what I got for a response? A smirk and a scoff. AVOID THIS PLACE unless you prefer some Krylon White instead of pepper on your salad.